
     Business Development
     Performance Improvement

     Startup Acceleration
     Innovation Consulting
     Performance Consulting
     Instructional Design
     Training Re Design
     Training Implementation

     Debbie deSousa
     Paul deSousa





Training Re Design

There are times to build or buy new training programs. And there are times to repair the old ones.

COMPANIES BELLISLE will review and evaluate your existing programs with the intention of bringing them up to date and in line with your current situation. Utilizing all the skills and abilities at our disposal, we can often save significant time and capital by upgrading your existing training library and learning assets.

Re purpose internal training to help customers use products
Revise classroom materials
Repurpose content into other media (web, video)
Re strategize implementation
Update materials with current information and specifications

We have significant experience recycling knowledge assets.

We offer a free consultation (expenses only) to determine if this approach is suitable for your current situation.